Friday, March 30, 2012

Spring is here!!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6

It is amazing how this really does apply to everyday life! I've been talking to God about homeschooling and how I should go about doing it and what curriculum I need to use...there is so much out there that it's easy to get lost in it...not God.

Then there are the trials that we face. We try to understand why certain things happen, we try to wrap our heads around the situation and ask why, or what could I have done differently. Everything happens for a reason and trusting God is the most important and most supportive thing I could ever do. His word comforts and heals in ways that nothing else can. Amen!

We have been loving this weather...if only it would stay this way in Texas! We have been going outdoors more, getting some exercise, watching our strawberries and flowers grow...I love the spring season!

We went to the Zoo last week and had a blast! It was the perfect weather...

Sweet Pea likes to help out!!

Lightning loves his new shades!

And I absolutely love it when they get along!! So sweet...

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